

Do you have one or more non-resolving health conditions or situations that have become chronic, despite everything you have tried?

  • Have you already gone the so-called “conventional medical route” or even to other alternative practitioners, with no results or actual worsening?
  • Are these conditions having a negative impact on your personal life, your relationships with your spouse or children, your career or job performance, and/or your personal finances?
  • Do you see that as time goes on, these conditions are not only not getting better, but will probably continue to worsen and not just fade away?
  • Are you ready to make a positive demand for improvement that will put you back in charge of your own health?

If you answered yes to these questions, and have made a personal demand on yourself to get these situations handled once and for all, then there is hope, and you have come to the right place.

Our history of results in a wide range of cases tells us that if:

  • You are found to be a Nutrition Response Testing® case, and
  • You follow our recommendations as closely as possible, andYou stay with the program long enough to achieve maximum correction of the underlying causes of your health problem

You will have the best chance of achieving the maximum results possible.


Nutrition Response Testing® is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.

Nutrition Response Testing® is very precise and scientific. However, if I were to analyze you using Nutrition Response Testing® before it was explained to you, you might find it strange, or simply not believable – only because it is probably very different from anything you may have experienced before.

When I first saw this type of work being done, I had the same reaction: “Hmm, what is this strange stuff?”

No one was more skeptical than I was. As a result, I studied Nutrition Response Testing® extensively to see if it was for real. And I sure am happy I did because it has greatly helped me, my family and so many of our patients attain greater health.

If you want to get healthy and stay healthy, it is important that you understand what Nutrition Response Testing® is and what our recommendations are based on.

That way you will be more likely to follow through and do what is needed in order to get well.

Introduction to Nutrition Response Testing®

Intro to Nutrition Response Testing® and what we do to help facilitate the body’s ability to self correct. These stressors cause interference and we help support the body to easily remove them so they no longer interfere with normal body function.